昨年にMOU(覚書)を締結し、様々な日本・インドに関わる学術連携、ビジネス連携の活動をしているムンバイのビジネススクール L.N.Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool) で、Indobox代表丹治がスピーチさせて頂きました。
私たちIndoboxは今年度中にWeSchool(ムンバイ) 内に日本との連携をワンストップで行える拠点を設置することで準備を進めています。
Last year, Indobox signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with L.N.Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research (WeSchool), a business school in Mumbai, which is involved in various academic and business collaboration activities related to Japan and India. Indobox CEO Mr.Tanji recently gave a speech there.
It was a 90-minute session in front of 800 newly joined students in August.
In addition to the auditorium room, which was the main venue, it was connected to three other rooms and also to the Bangalore campus. The session’s theme was about employment opportunities in Japan and the skills needed for them, and the questions didn’t stop and I felt a lot of energy.
We at Indobox will be setting up a one-stop center for collaboration with Japan within WeSchool (Mumbai) this year.
Welingkar Institute of Management