【ご報告】インド工科大学デリー校(IIT Delhi)とMOU(覚書)を締結!


この度、インド工科大学デリー校 (IITデリー)とMOU(覚書)を締結しました。IITは、インド全土で23校ありますが、その中でもデリー校は1961年に創設され(IITの中で5番目に古い、オールドIITと呼ばれている)、歴史のある評価が高い大学機関となっております。また今年1月にはUAEアブダビにもキャンパスをオープンし、積極的に国際連携を行っています。





【Signed MOU with IIT Delhi】

We are pleased to announce that we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi), one of the 23 IITs in India, which was founded in 1961 (the 5th oldest IIT in India, known as Old IIT) and is a highly regarded academic institution with a long history. IIT Delhi is also founded in 1961 (the fifth oldest of the IITs, known as Old IIT). Also, IIT Delhi opened a campus in Abu Dhabi, UAE in January this year, and is actively engaged in international collaborations.

We, Indobox, have been in continuous discussions with IIT Delhi and have concluded a MOU with IIT Delhi to promote cooperation in the industrial sector and student exchange between Japan and India (to increase opportunities for Japanese high school and university students to come into touch with India), which is one of the areas of our focus.

Currently, there are no Japanese students at IIT Delhi, and we will work to increase the number of Japanese students, including short-term study abroad programs and study tours, and we plan to bring Japanese high school students to India in November, which we hope will lead to deeper learning and friendship for both students.

If you are interested in collaborating with Indian universities, we look forward to working with you. India is always welcome to be in contact with Japan in a variety of fields.

◼︎IIT Delhi



