Indoboxも企画運営に携わった「ニルヴァーナム・サンガマム 2023」が無事終了しました。
ドラマショーの前には東インド古典舞踊・オディッシーダンスやボリウッドダンスが披露され、Nirvanam Sangamamではケララ州のメンバーにって構成された劇団ヤヴァニカ・シアターズによるダイナミックなショーは会場を魅了しました。
Together with Indian members in Japan from Kerala, South India, I was able to implement the India-Japan cultural event Nirvanam Sangamam 2023 in Nisshin City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.
As I was the only Japanese member of the organising team, was involved in coordinating various aspects of the event and invited the H.E Mr. Sibi George, Ambassador of India to Japan, as the chief guest, while the Deputy Mayor of Nisshin City, Mr Mizuno, and the Superintendent of Education, Mr Iwata, attended the pre-event meeting and had very fruitful discussions.
The drama show was preceded by East Indian classical dance Odissi dance and Bollywood dance, and a dynamic show by Yavanika Theatres, a theatre troupe comprising members from Kerala in Nirvanam Sangamam, fascinated the audience.
Through cultural events, Japan and India will be able to experience and learn from each other’s countries and further accelerate the exchange of young people and economic ties between businesses and local authorities with India.
India in Japan (Embassy of India, Tokyo)