ご縁を頂いた(株)じぶんごと 代表取締役の青木さんに感謝申し上げます。
I had the opportunity to conduct a business seminar about India at the General Incorporated Association Aichi Management School.
The theme of the seminar was “Business potential in India, a major country attracting global attention”, and I spoke about the latest trends in India, its diversity and culture, the proportion of income classes, prospects for economic growth, high capable human resources, start-ups, the way of thinking Jugaad, the potential for Japanese companies to expand, trends in the automobile industry, and other topics.
The presidents of companies from various industries that are developing their business in Aichi Prefecture attended the event and asked many questions, reminding me of the high level of interest in India. I would like to thank Ms Aoki, CEO of Jibungoto Co.