新サービスJapan Karoローンチパーティーを行い、お陰様で満員御礼で無事に終えました。
まさにこれがスタートの第一歩、日本とインドのビジネス連携を加速させるためのプラットフォームとして沢山の方にご活用できるようJapan Karoを育てていきたいと思います。
We had a successful launch party for our new service Japan Karo with a full house.
Many people interested in India attended the party and understood the value of the services we provide. The panel discussion with advisor Mr. Isogai in the first half of the event was also a deep discussion based on the real situation in India. The round-table discussion over Indian snacks at the standing buffet also provided a satisfying opportunity for participants to mix and mingle, and to talk about India and other topics without running out.
We would like to thank our joint development partners, Quartet Communications CEO Mr. Tsutsumi and CFO Mr. Iwai, and Mr. Rahul from Pune, India, who was in charge of the actual development.
This is just the first step, and we would like to develop Japan Karo so that many people can use it as a platform to accelerate business collaboration between Japan and India.
We are offering six months free of charge listing to clients who register by 31 January 2025, if you are interested in India, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to explain how to use the site, its functions and benefits.
◼︎ 日印のビジネス交流を加速させる支援型マッチングプラットフォーム 「Japan Karo」