

(English follows)



インドで3輪向けEVモビリティサービスを展開する日本発のスタートアップ企業 Terra Motors(株)の上田社長より、現地ニーズを捉えた事業展開とスケールアップの軌跡について生の声を語って頂きます。


【インドビジネス最新情報セミナー 〜南インド・ベンガルールに注目~】

・日時 2023年9月26日(火)13:30~15:30(日本時間) Teamsオンライン


-講演1 :「最新のインド経済状況とビジネスの可能性 ~ベンガル―ル ものづくり製造業からスタートアップまで~」 水谷 俊博 氏 ジェトロ・ベンガルール事務所

-講演2 :「巨大インド市場で活躍する日本のベンチャー企業の挑戦」 上田晃裕 氏 Terra Motors株式会社 代表取締役社長

-対話セッション : モデレーター 丹治 大佑 氏 Indobox株式会社 代表取締役 CEO

・中部経済産業局 プレスリリース:https://www.chubu.meti.go.jp/b63gni/20230905/press.pdf

【India Business Seminar (online) organised by the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI Chubu)】

We are pleased to announce that Indobox CEO Daisuke Tanji will be moderating an India Business Seminar organised by the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (a regional block agency of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) on Tuesday 26 September, from 13:30.

In this seminar, the JETRO Bengaluru Office will introduce the latest information on the local economy and business situation in Karnataka State, centred on Bengaluru, which is also known as the ‘Silicon Valley of India’.

Also introduce Terra Motors, a Japanese start-up company that is developing a three-wheel EV mobility service in India. Mr. Ueda, CEO of Terra Motors, a Japanese start-up company developing three-wheel EV mobility services in India, will give a first-hand account of the company’s business development in response to local needs and the tracks of its scale-up.

This seminar is targeted at companies with offices in the three Tokai prefectures (Aichi, Gifu and Mie). If you are interested, please register below.

【India Business Update Seminar – Focus on South India and Bengaluru】

・Date and time: Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 13:30-15:30 (Japan time) by Teams online


-Speech 1: “Latest Indian Economic Situation and Business Potential: From Bengaluru Manufacturing Industry to Start-ups” by Mr Toshihiro Mizutani, JETRO Bengaluru Office.

-Speech 2: “Challenges of Japanese venture companies in the huge Indian market” by Akihiro Ueda, CEO, Terra Motors Co.

-Dialogue session: Moderator: Mr Daisuke Tanji, CEO, Indobox Inc.


